Halotherapy — the practice of spending time in a salt-enriched microclimate for therapeutic health purposes — is taking the country by storm, and Indiana is no exception. Spa-style salt caves and salt rooms are popping up throughout the state, each delivering its own unique way to unwind.
Here’s a little background on how the concept works. Naturally occurring negative ions in large quantities of salt are believed to possess anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Being in the presence of these ions and breathing in the salt vapors is thought to help improve a number of health conditions, from allergies and respiratory issues to colds, skin conditions and even depression.
Ageless Aesthetics and Salt Lounge
Salt rooms make use of large bricks or blocks of pink Himalayan salt to create a soothing, therapeutic environment for visitors to enjoy. Salt caves exemplify the theory of speleotherapy, the therapeutic practice of breathing the mineral-enriched air of a salt mine environment, by recreating the appearance and conditions of a subterranean salt mine.
What to expect during your visit to a salt room or salt cave? Guests are encouraged to kick off their shoes and make themselves comfortable in lounge-style chairs, then just sit back and relax for the 45-minute session. Some halotherapy facilities may include soft music, ambient lighting or other amenities to further enhance the experience. Visitors can dress however they feel comfortable; temperatures are usually maintained between 60 and 70 degrees. White socks are required in order to preserve the purity of the salt itself, which in addition to lining the walls, is also often crushed to cover the floors like sand.
There are a handful of locations in Indiana where visitors can try a halotherapy session for themselves, including:
The Salt Cave Halotherapy of St. John
Indianapolis Salt Cave and Halotherapy Center
Ageless Aesthetics and Salt Lounge in Indianapolis
Himalayan Salts and Scents in Warsaw
and the Cave on the Square in Warsaw