Last year I had the opportunity to visit Wolf Park located close to Lafayette. They are a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to improve the lives of wolves in captivity and in the wild. It is an amazing place to visit and they always have fun events happening (like howl nights), but the event I want to focus on is the upcoming birthday party!Wolf Bday 1On May 3 (this weekend!) they will be celebrating all of their canids with a special celebration - complete with cake. Wild canids are all born in April or May due to the timing of their annual breeding season so, all of their birthdays are celebrated together. For a donation of $25, you can tour the park from 1-5pm and at 2pm the animals will receive their own cake. What a sight to see!Wolf Bday 2And don't worry, you won't be left out! You will get your own piece of cake too.

If you are looking for other outdoor recreation to enjoy in the area, be sure and visit my blog from last year which highlights my favorites.

And if you want to know about other events and attracts, be sure to visit Home of Purdue.