Learn more About Visit Indiana

Did you know that there are beaches in Indiana? Or that Indiana boasts the largest children's museum in the country? Or that there are caves to be explored IN Indiana? Or that there are nationally recognized resorts IN Indiana? There is so much more to Indiana than meets the eye for those unfamiliar with the state. Even those who have lived there are often unaware of all that the state has to offer.

 Visit Indiana is the official tourism website for the state of Indiana. It is provided by the Indiana Destination Development Corporation (IDDC) and aims to tell Indiana's story and bring people to Indiana to experience this amazing state. IDDC believes that those who experience Indiana for themselves discover that Indiana has more to offer and are more likely to come back. It is the IDDC's goal to reach people and encourage them to visit the state.

IN Indiana

Have some fun IN Indiana. The "IN Indiana" campaign was launched a few years ago and utilizes Indiana's abbreviation, IN, as a part of its marketing. It has become well recognized and has won many awards that you can explore on IN The Media page. If you are looking to use the IN Indiana logo or be apart of this campaign, check out the campaign kits provided by the IDDC.

Learn More

Want to learn more about Indiana and the foundation (IDDC)? Below are a few links to explore Visit Indiana and more! 

Learn about the State Government of Indiana

If you want more official information about the state, government programs, and more, visit the official Indiana government website below.