Indiana Bicentennial Torch Relay"Everlasting Light: The Story of Indiana's Bicentennial Torch Relay" is a 37-minute documentary produced by the Department of Telecommunications at Ball State University. The documentary serves to commemorate the Torch Relay for future Hoosier generations. You can purchase a DVD of the documentary here.

The documentary is scheduled to re-air on WFYI three times in February, 2017. The re-air dates are Thursday, February 9 at 9 p.m., Wednesday, February 15 at 4:30 a.m., and Saturday, February 25 at 10 p.m.

Indiana Bicentennial Torch Relay The Indiana Bicentennial Torch Relay traveled over 3200 miles through all 92 counties.

A team of Ball State Telecommunications students traveled along with the Torch Relay, documenting the event via photos, videos and more, including the documentary. The Ball State students were recently awarded the Summit Emerging Media Award for their work on the Torch Relay. The award is part of an international competition with over 1200 entries., with less than 6% chosen for awards.

You can enjoy their work at

Patterned after the Olympic Torch Relay, Indiana’s version passed through all 92 of the state’s counties, covered 3200 miles over a five week period, averaging 90 miles per day.

The torch was primarily transported by people, passing the flame from torchbearer to torchbearer. The relay also employed other modes of conveyance that are symbolic of the history and heritage of Indiana, including watercraft, farm equipment, a race car, horse and wagon, antique automobile, and others.